Tag: faith journey

9 Posts

  • A Lesson in Trust, Integrity, and Disappointment

    June 5, 2023 Claire

    The other day I was scrolling through the documents in my “Writing” folder, when I stumbled upon this piece I wrote back in 2020. Sometimes God uses words I’ve previously written to speak to my current situation, and I just have to laugh at how spot on he is. This was one of those moments for me. It filled me with peace, and eased the ache in my heart so…

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  • God Answers Prayers

    January 26, 2023 Claire

    I’ve come to learn when God answers prayers, they tend to look different than what I was picturing. As I rattle off my prayers to God like I’m going over a shopping list (do not recommend this method btw), I project my hopes and dreams in a glitter-tinted glow, imagining the desired outcome down to the minute details that have nothing to do with anything at all, like my hair,…

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  • Wildflowers

    September 21, 2022 Claire

    This summer I went on a hike with my mom up at Shrine Pass. My mom wanted to see the high-alpine wildflowers that show off their beautiful colors this time each year. This hike held significance for several reasons. It was the first time doing a hike with any real elevation gain in almost two years. An injury – and chronic pain – has prevented me from hiking, which is…

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  • Faith the Size of a Popcorn Kernel

    July 27, 2022 Claire

    One thing I really love about Jesus is that he requires us to have very little faith in order for him to work in our lives. Okay, some might say that’s heresy, but it’s true. Having faith can be really hard. It’s always easier to follow the world’s standards, to take matters into our own hands, to just do what everyone else is doing.  As humans, we are messy and…

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  • Living Proof: How My Dating Disasters Taught Me About God’s Love

    June 5, 2022 Claire

    There’s an expression coined by my pastor that I love: the faith journey is about progression, not perfection. This is a mantra I repeat to myself on a daily basis. I used to compare myself a lot to other Christians because I didn’t feel like I was doing it right. I didn’t feel like I was good enough. But over the past couple of years since deep-diving into my faith,…

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  • How to Embrace “The Mary Season”

    May 3, 2022 Claire

    In the last couple of years, I’ve realized that life has its seasons – not just climatically but personally. Some seasons I’ve been a goal-setter, a hustler, a manifestor; going for my dreams and bringing them to life. Other seasons – like the one that I’m currently in – it’s less about getting to the destination as it is about the journey. It’s about doing less and being more present.…

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  • It’s Hard Being a Christian Sometimes

    March 26, 2022 Claire

    You know what most Christians won’t tell you? Sometimes it’s really fucking hard to follow Jesus. In the spirit of honesty, I’m going to tell you that I’m seriously feeling fed up. Fed up with myself and fed up with God. Before I was really active in my faith, I thought that being a Christian meant following a bunch of dumb rules. And if you know me, you know that…

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  • The Stars Were Made for You

    January 5, 2022 Claire

    On Christmas day, I woke up grieving my cousin. This wasn’t strange given the two-year anniversary of her death was on the 26th, but it still surprised me at how awful I felt. Grief is a weird thing. It can hit you out of nowhere at the most random times and be minuscule during the times you think it would be a bigger deal. It’s also not linear at all.…

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  • Stop Striving, Start Surrendering

    May 13, 2021 Claire

    I’ve been feeling pretty far from God lately. I’ve been so busy. I recently decided to drive to California in June to volunteer at a music festival and that idea transformed into converting my Jeep into a livable space and wandering free for an undetermined amount of time. As I’ve dived into planning van life round two, I’ve grown increasingly overwhelmed as I try to balance my time amongst all…

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